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Bronx Fire Victims
Resources & Services

List of Resources from The City of New York

The City of New York has developed a list of resources for those who were affected by the five-alarm fire on East 181 Street in the Bronx, that occurred January 9, 2022.

Additional information will continue to be added as resources become available. Please continue to check back for updates.

Notify NYC Updates

If you or someone you know was affected by the five-alarm fire in the Bronx, stay informed and get the facts.
Text "181STFIRE" to 692692 to receive updates about resources and services available to you

Find a Missing Person

If you are unable to reach someone who may have been impacted by the five-alarm fire near East 181 Street and Tiebout Avenue in the Bronx call 311.
Call 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115). If outside NYC, call 212-639-9675 (212-NEW-YORK).

Housing Assistance

The American Red Cross Greater New York offers general assistance, including emergency housing, immediate needs, and case management.
Call 1-877-733-2767 or visit

Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Emergency Housing Services: (212)863-7660 Email:

Emotional and Spiritual Assistance (Mental Health Support)

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) offers 24/7, confidential and multilingual crisis support services for those struggling with emotional distress or other mental health concerns, Vibrant Emotional Health administers the national Disaster Distress Helpline for SAMHSA, available to anyone in U.S., including territories, and Vibrant Emotional Health operates NYC Well for the NYC DOHMH, available to anyone in New York City.

• 24 hour hotline: 888-NYC WELL (888-692-9355)
• Text "WELL" to 65173
• Disaster Distress Helpline (24/7 hotline): 1-800-985-5990. For Spanish, press 2.
• MS text "TalkWithUs" to 66746. For Spanish text "Hablamos" to 66746.
• Visit:

Identification Card Replacement

The Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs can help community members who have lost their identification cards obtain an IDNYC.
Community member can submit immigration-related requests or ask questions by calling 212-788-7654 or e-mailing

Burial Assistance

Department of Social Services/Human Services Administration (HRA)
HRA's Office of Burial Services (OBS) can provide financial assistance to help you meet the funeral expenses for a deceased low-income New York City resident. FEMA assistance cannot aid with losses already covered by insurance.

Service Center for Affected Residents

Monroe College – Ustin Hall
2375 Jerome Avenue
Bronx, NY 10468
M-F 12pm-8pm

The City has opened a service center for affected residents. Assistance is being provided by City, nongovernmental and nonprofit partners, including American Red Cross Greater New York, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development, NYC Department of Social Services, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, NYPD Missing Persons, and Animal Care & Control of New York City, and ASPCA.

Transportation to the Service Center
People who have no other transportation options to visit the service center, especially those disabilities or other access or functional needs, may request transportation assistance by contacting 311 (212-639-9675 for Video Relay Service, or TTY: 212-504-4115).


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